ITSWC2018閉幕 西鉄情報システム(株)が企業賞受賞 |
[ ITS/CASE&MaaS ITS海外情報 イベント情報 ] 2018年9月22日 |
The winners of the ITS Regional Awards have been announced at the World Congress. Each ITS region has the same ITS World Congress Awards categories: Member of the Hall of Fame, Industry Award and Local Government Award.
Congratulations to all the winners: In the ITS Asia Pacific region, the Member of the Hall of Fame award went to Dr Kent Kwo-Tsai Wang. The Industry Award was picked up by the Nishitetsu Information System Company. The Local Government Award went to the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in Korea.
For ITS America, Jeff Paniati picked up the Hall of Fame award and General Motors won the Industry Award. Florida's Department of Transportation won the Local Government Award.
Paul Kompfner won the Member of the Hall of Fame Award with ITS Europe. Meanwhile, Volvo Group picked up the Industry Award and the City of Copenhagen was selected to receive the Local Government Award.
Passing the globe at #ITSWC18 ???? pic.twitter.com/BZrA1VCw09
— ITS Congresses (@ITS_Congresses) 2018年9月21日